Integration work

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No djo without integration!

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djo was founded by young expellees and refugees in 1951. The goal was to provide young people with and without migrant background a platform and place to collaborate and become part of society. This goal still exists today.

djo supports young people in becoming part of an intercultural community and is actively involved in shaping a society that is defined by solidarity and tolerance. One of our key objectives is letting them be part of the youth work we do and our organizational structures. djo is actively engaged in developing the framework of our youth work, that allows all children and youths be part. In addition, djo supports young people in their personal development and emancipation.

Another of our key objectives is to facilitate encounters and exchanges between young people with and without a migrant background. In this way, young people lose fears and prejudices, build values, and share experiences. We adopted the motto ‘We want to be a bridge’ to guide many our activities.


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Landshut für alle Gut!

Am 12.11.2016 veranstaltete die djo eine Kinder- und Jugendkulturfestival. Unter dem Titel "Landshut für alle gut! Dancing together!" kammen über 70 Jugendliche mit und ohen Migrationserfahrung zusammen. In verschiedenen Workshops konnten die Teilnehmenden kreative Tanz- und Gestaltungsangebote wahrnehmen. In einem Bühenprogramm wurde dann abschließend die Vielfalt der jungen Menschen und Kulturen in Landshut präsentiert. Ein internationales Buffet sorgte für die Abrundung eines durchwegs gelungenen Tags.

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